How is anxiety related to ROCD?
What is anxiety? What causes ROCD to trigger anxiety?
What is it?
Your body's immediate biological response to what you perceive a situation as:
- Dangerous
- Unsafe
- Uncertain
- Unpredictable
Commonly known as your fight or flight response, and is needed for survival.
It's your body's primitive survival technique to help deal with danger.
Some physical symptoms often include: dizziness, headaches, butterflies, sweaty hands and dry mouth.
Here are some potential reasons why ROCD triggers anxiety
Fears of relationship dissatisfaction involve intrusive thoughts and doubts about your relationship, triggering your anxiety as you worry about the potential consequences of these thoughts on your relationship.
Constant questioning and uncertainty around your love and commitment towards your partner or theirs to you result in compulsive behaviours, creating anxiety and distress.
Fears of losing your partner or damaging your relationship heighten anxiety.
Society often places significant importance and pressure on romantic relationships and having a “perfect” partner. Anxiety can be generated due to a fear of not meeting these societal expectations or fearing judgement from others.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD): You may have a pre-existing GAD diagnosis, which can contribute to heightened anxiety levels in various situations, including ROCD.
It’s important to remember that everyone’s experiences with anxiety may differ, and these are just a few reasons you may feel anxious about ROCD symptoms.
Consulting with a mental health professional can help you understand your anxiety and
develop strategies to manage it.